We would like to take a moment to answer the three questions we get asked the most:
1. What are you doing?
2. So, what are you actually doing? Everyday.
3. Does it have to be in Perth, Australia?
What are you doing?
We are working as full-time volunteers with Youth With A Mission Perth, a missions and training centre. Our heart is to disciple and mentor young people, spread the word about our training programs, connect people with missions opportunities and share the Gospel wherever God leads.
Wow, that's quite a mouthful, I know, but it captures well what we believe God asked us to do. We are inviting young people to come to YWAM Perth. Not because YWAM Perth is the only place or because it's perfect. We invite them, because we have experienced and seen how God can take a few months here and change a person's life around. Over and over, young people come here without purpose and often with a vague or no understanding of their faith. Many of them leave with a solid relationship with God and understanding of their calling, which sets them up for a life of fruitfulness and purpose.
So, what are you doing daily?
I (Acksios) am responsible that YWAM Perth's schools and ministries can run smoothly in the area of IT. These days, I check all the computers and server backups every morning, fix computers, write IT-related policies and implementation plans, have one-on-one discipleship meetings with my staff, and fix some more computers. It sounds like an IT support person in a company and it is true. But that’s it! That is the point. We are doing whatever it takes to expand the Kingdom of God. Until the beginning of 2020, I created YWAM Perth's News videos for almost 8 years to share what God is doing so that people would be encouraged and to motivate them to be a part of it. I started the Film Production School and ran it for three years because film is one amazing way to make the Gospel relevant to people. We produced three films through the film school outreaches in three different locations. I will do whatever it is, if that is what God calls me to do to expand the Kingdom of God.
Does it have to be in Perth, Australia?
It was a late-night hanging out with my old friend in Korea last year. As all good old friends do, they are not afraid of awkward questions that other people might not ask me. As I explained what I am doing and why I am doing it, one of my friends asked “So, you are mobilising more missionaries through YouTube videos and you do IT stuff. Can you not do all of that in Korea as well? Why do you have to be in an expensive place like Perth, Australia?” It is a legitimate question. And I appreciate that he asked instead of judging me or coming up with his own conclusion. My answer was something like this, “in order to work effectively, you need a place where there is the right infrastructure, equipment, like-mined people, trust, and most importantly the calling. You know, there is a small voice that says very clearly where you must be." I know that if I ignore that voice, I will continue to feel guilty. I have a conviction that I need to be in Perth and until we get kicked out of here, I will work in missions in YWAM Perth, because I believe this is where God calls me to serve.